Syria- The place turned into hell on earth

Arab spring Rose towards Syria during 2011 to remove the president Mr AL bassar asad (Shiite community) and 2/3 of Syrian population is Sunni Muslims.
Recently the Syrian armed forces got back the aleppo city (which was once the Industrial and financial capital of Syria) from rebels. All the rebels forces ran towards South West Province of allepo city that is Idlib city and hide in it.
Government with support of Russian military planned to stop their ever increasingly rate and launched chemical missile Filled with SARIN on Idlib province.
This resulted in death tolls of nearly 1500 people including both rebels and civilian innocent citizens of syrian.


in The mid 2013 Syrian govt launched chemical weapon on Damascus to control rebels and That time “UN resolution of 2013” was passed by UN in support of US to put sanction on Syrian govt to stop manufacturing of chemical weapons by mid 2014.
And US-RUSSIAN negotiation led to formation of “framework for elimination of Syrian chemical weapons” by the end of 2014 and In JAN 2015 UN ORIGANITION FOR PROHIBITION OF CHEMICAL WEAPON confirmed the Syrian govt has stopped and Declared all its chemical weapons stock..

But this Recent attack on IDLIB city showed they had few quantity of chemical weapon and hence US alone Attacked on syrian Airbase by their TOM HAWK CRUISE MISSILE destroying 6 jets and killing 80 military people.

The major point which comes here is.. Did US had the authority to kill these people. now where were UN resolution on human rights.

Syria has turned really into the hell where debris of ghost towns tell unimaginable stories of gosh human rights violations.

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